Lattes & Ladders

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated"
- Confucius


Tips for Universal Orlando

My tips for visiting Universal and Islands of Adventure in Orlando!...

Homemade Guacomole

     I can’t tell you how to grow an avocado tree and not share how to make guacamole!  Funny thing is how your taste changes over time. I never liked avocados until later in life! And now I...

How to grow an avacado tree from a pit

       Growing an avocado tree from a pit can be a fun and rewarding project. Avacado trees do best at warm temperatures (60 F to 85F) with moderate humidity. I’ve been growing mine for about 2...


Get ready for Halloween trivia with these facts...

Pumpkin carving

PUMPKIN CARVING TIME Its that time of year again! Halloween means pumpkin carving! As an Amazon Associate I may earn commission on qualifying purchases   Well here we are again, it’s Fall. Where...